Phil Senior

Treasure Beach Forum: Lost to the Sea: Phil Senior
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By TBNet on Monday, March 13, 2006 - 05:59 pm: Edit Post

This page is dedicated to the memory of Phil Senior from Treasure Beach who lost his life at sea.

Please leave your remembrances and pictures of him in his honor.

RIP, Phil Senior

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By BarSenior - Son of Phil Senior on Sunday, October 22, 2006 - 12:44 am: Edit Post

As I was very young (about 5 or 6) when my father lost his life at sea, I can’t remember much about him. I do remember that he was very tall and he walked with this very cool bop, if you see me walk you’ll know what I mean. However, the most lasting memory I have of my father came to me when I was about 18, this was about 13 years after my father lost his life at sea. I had been in the US about 6 years and just graduated from high school. As a graduation present, my mom gave me a trip to Jamaica for the summer and though I grew up in Kingston, I spent most of that summer with my aunt Julie in Treasure Beach. Treasure Beach is truly a special place and I am so proud to call it the place of my Roots. In any event, one night that summer I happen to stop in one of those Bars on the main road ( I just went in to check to see if they sold Ice Cream, yea that’s it I just wanted some ice cream). While I was in the bar (looking for my ice cream) this gentleman came up to me and asked if I was Phil son. As my father had lost his life at sea so many yeas before I was shocked at the question. I assumed that someone in the bar must have mentioned to this man that I was Phil son. After the shock I responded yes and the man was so delighted to know that he was standing in the presence of Phil son. I don’t think this man even asked me what my name was; it was as if he was delighted to see my father standing in front of him again.

Now this is what really knocked me off my feet. He said to me, I knew your father very well, he and I fished the keys together many times. Phil Senior was a good man; your father was a very good man. I wish I could express the emotions and words he used to describe my father that evening. Hearing this man speak such wonderful things about my father fueled an incredible love for a father I never knew. The man then went into his wallet, took some money out and handed it to me. I started saying to him no, please that is not necessary but then he said to me I must take the money from him. He said that before my father died, my father loaned him some money and he felt very bad that he never got the chance to pay it back so he need me to take what he was giving me to make him feel that he had done the right thing.

My father who lost his life at sea was a good man and a good friend who loved his family and left a legacy that will live on forever. Where do you think the Treasure in Treasure Beach comes from, no it’s not from those old pirate stories. The Treasure in Treasure Beach comes from the hidden Treasures in the people that were born, bread and died for that little town on the south cost, one of which is my father Phil Senior who lost his life at sea.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Julie senior/freckleton on Saturday, October 21, 2006 - 08:37 pm: Edit Post

My Brother Phil
in 1963 my brother my brother oh how i missed him i came on this webpage so many times and still can't say the things i want to say but that of january 27th 1963 he went to sleep at the bottom of the ocean,to this day i can remember on my way to work in the UK. when i bought the jamaica gleaner,and saw his name missing at sea,the rest i'll leave for you to amigine, my mother i thought how can she withstand this,his wife,with four young children,the youngest,two months old,I prayed oh God give us the strength,to get through this,till the day my mom died she never looked at the ocean again.fotythree years has passed but each day we love him more!! your baby sister Julie/Family.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Auntie, J. on Saturday, October 21, 2006 - 09:11 pm: Edit Post

in loving memory of my dear nephew Denny AKA,yatah, your Auntie misses you so very much,another young life losted at sea,thank you for DJ.the seed you planted for us to cherrish while you're not wiht us,he,s the image of you,but you'll forever,remain in our heart,s
and to all my school mates close friends and other ralitives,that lost thir lives at sea,you will for ever be in my heart.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Zadie Senior on Saturday, October 21, 2006 - 07:26 pm: Edit Post

uncle Phil I remenber you as a little Girl you would come from Kingston to visit us on week-ends bringing all sorts of goodies for us putting me on your shoulders and walking to the shop to buy me areated water (Soda) you were always so gentle and kind to grannie Esmie and grandpa Tan a very good son Brother Father and uncle still missing you but content in the hope that you will be resurrected in Jehovahs new system see you there.
your Neice Zadie Senior .

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By TreasureB/England on Monday, March 03, 2008 - 10:50 pm: Edit Post

My Granuncle Easton Senior and his family"Condolances"for the loss of your wonderful son Phil. I did not know you cousin but heard such great things about you from my grandma and her family.Phil Senior.May your soul rest in the loving arm of jesus where we will keep you as you were till we all meet on resurection day.My love to all Zadie, Patrick.your cousin.