
Treasure Beach Forum: TB Runnin's: Snow?!?!?
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Rebecca on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 07:42 am: Edit Post

After spending a wonderful afternoon with some good friends sitting poolside and soaking up the Caribbean sunshine, we wandered inside to watch American football. Chicago vs. New Orleans. I got cold just watching all that snow falling!!

For all those who have just experienced their first snow fall of the winter, enjoy it, play in it, and when it gets dirty, icky, and too much to handle . . . come on down - the weather is fine here!

And to you Eric - yes, I know I owe you a 6 pack of Red Stripe as Indiana staged an amazing come back, darn!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Eric on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 09:28 am: Edit Post

Colts 38, Patriots 34. Biggest comeback in NFL championship history (in case anyone was wondering).

That six pack waiting for me is helping me forget the 2 inches of snow on the ground here in Indianapolis.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By excited on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 04:04 pm: Edit Post

I can't wait to see Colts take on Bears. I think the bears are going to win their defence is very strong, the offence is a little shaky. Dungie, and Lovie has made history. "Well Done Boys".

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By peace on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 01:47 pm: Edit Post

Well Mr Eric, Peyton Manning won't get to wear that super bowl ring, that people think. The Bears are going to sack him so bad. Just like what they did to Drew Brewes, and Drew is a very good quarter back.Tom Brady is still a better quarter back anyway.Indianapolis don't get to excited.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By ken on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 02:02 pm: Edit Post

Eric I guess we can't wait to see what's going to happen on super bowl day. I think the Bears will come out on top.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Lisa on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 07:50 pm: Edit Post

Yo Eric, don't forget I'm from Chicago! Wanna bet that 6-pack you just got off Rebecca?

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Eric on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 11:19 pm: Edit Post

After reading the post by 'peace', I started to wonder:

-Is there a Jamaican saying for the term 'sour grapes'?

-How about one for 'if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all'?

-And finally, what's the Jamaican term for hypocrite? 'Peace' indeed!

As for your offer about double or nothing on that crate you still owe me? See you in May my friend.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By happy on Tuesday, January 23, 2007 - 08:25 am: Edit Post

Eric it is a matter of opinion, not "sour grape"well i am from Chicago. I think the Bears will go on top, don't take it personal. It's entertaiment business. Peace be unto you Eric.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By NYC on Tuesday, January 23, 2007 - 01:38 pm: Edit Post

Eric your colts will win, Peyton Manning the best quarter back to play the game will win the ring this year, he broke so many records and will brake many more. All is missing for him is the ring and after he wins it this year he will become the Michael Jordan of football. Brady is great, but manning is better, that team that Brady won the rings with was well rounded on all sides of the ball any good quarter back could of won with that team and the best coach in the game. Bears has now offense and the Colts offense is too good for bears defense so at the end colts will win.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Eric on Tuesday, February 06, 2007 - 03:35 pm: Edit Post

Hmmm, seems to be pretty quite out in Chicago this week...I thought it was the cold temperatures keeping everyone mum, but then I saw that the streets of Indianapolis were lined with people braving single digit weather to cheer the return of the Superbowl Champion Colts.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By happy on Tuesday, February 06, 2007 - 04:11 pm: Edit Post

Eric what do you expect Chicago to do, I am sure they did meet the Bears, despite what happen, Chicago is still a good team. I am vey happy for Tony Dungie, he really is a good coach.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By NYC on Wednesday, February 07, 2007 - 12:36 pm: Edit Post

Like I predicted, bears has now offense and colts offense is too good for bears defense so at the end colts will win and they did win. Eric you got the win. Happy for both team making the super bowl, and a big plus for two black coaches taking their teams there. I hope the owners of these sports teams can now open up their eyes and see that black coaches can also get the job done.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Tee on Wednesday, February 07, 2007 - 12:03 pm: Edit Post

I must say when I saw Chicago run that 1st kickoff all the way to the goal I thought for sure the Bears would have taken the game. However, I was wrong :-(
That was a great way to start the game dispite the rain. Hopefully next year my Dolphins will make us South Floridians proud.