Ivan Relief Continued Thanks to Your Donations

Treasure Beach Forum: TB Runnin's: Ivan Relief Continued Thanks to Your Donations
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Rebecca on Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 08:41 pm: Edit Post

As was stated in an email from Beth previously, we were able to take advantage of a matching funds program set up by NCB (National Commercial Bank of Jamaica). The hardware stores allowed us to hold off on paying them and, therefore, we were able to turn your dollars into double the amount! What this means is as of a few weeks ago we were tapped out, but now we have additional funds to continue with the Ivan relief work!

Our first project using these matching funds is to continue with the beach clean-up program. Monday morning started with a crew of 8 folks along with Eggie, our favorite chainsaw man, descending on Frenchman's Beach and working hard to whip it back in shape.



We will also have crews working in Billy's Bay, Great Bay, Calabash Bay, and Old Wharf. We are estimating this project to cost around $5,000 US or $300,000 JA.

Stay tuned, thanks to all of you and your generosity, more is coming!