Community Wide Meeting for New Business Ideas

Treasure Beach Forum: TB Runnin's: Community Wide Meeting for New Business Ideas
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Treasure Beach Women's Group on Saturday, March 24, 2012 - 03:14 pm: Edit Post

This is my picture: picture

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By turey on Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 12:17 pm: Edit Post

Excellent, sorry I'll miss it.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Zed on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - 09:46 am: Edit Post

BIODIGESTERS: A little known fact about the Scientific Research Council (SRC) is that they have apparently been the strongest promoteres of Biodigesters/Biodigester Septic Tanks on the Island.
Unfortunately, it seems as though the SRC has taken on a near-monopolistic control of the design and construction of these systems. The result, according to some reports, is that there have been delays of biodigesters coming on line and prohibitive costs as compared to the more typical septic systems (septic tanks/absorption & soak-away pits/drain fields...)

As will be indicated in a following Link, nearby not far from Spur Tree at the John Bascoe Boys’ Home in Hatfield... is an example of the successful application of Biodigester Technology. At this Boy’s Home, food crops are produced from treated organic waste, treated wastewater used for irrigation and biogas used to cook meals and for other energy related purposes.

It may be too late to get questions on the agenda for the meeting today about cost-friendly uses of this technology for the Treasure Beach and the South Coast, but if possible for someone to explore the residential and commercial advantages of biodigesters for the community, it would be appreciated.

Two obvious promotional aspects of biodigesters which the SRC promotes are:
• Let us help you to 'turn your trash into cash' through our waste management programme. Prevent waste! Reuse and Recycle your waste without harming the environment.

• Let us help you to reduce your operational cost through waste management.
We can design wastewater treatment systems, that utilizes the principle of anaerobic technology. We can build biodigesters that will utilize your domestic and commercial waste to generate biogas - an alternative source of fuel, which is cheaper than liquid petroleum gas (LPG).


Another Question to the SRC representative might be: What is your organization doing to promote Incentives for local residents and businesses to reduce the costs of Alternative Energy Sources--Solar Photovoltaics/Solar Water Heaters/Residential Wind Turbines, thereby tackling the escalating electrical bills from an unforgiving utility (JPS)?

SRC: Alternative Energy