Nuclear power for jamaica

Treasure Beach Forum: TB Runnin's: Nuclear power for jamaica
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By atomic on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - 10:08 pm: Edit Post

if this comes we are gone-period,see observer

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Worried on Tuesday, April 05, 2011 - 09:28 pm: Edit Post

I guess this is April fools joke! You could never be serious! I guess the end is near for Jamaica!Can you please post the date it was published in the Observer? I would really like to read it.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By disaster on Wednesday, April 06, 2011 - 05:38 am: Edit Post

Friday April 1st 2011 in The Observer is the article on Japan offering to help Jamaica with a nuclear plant!

We, who do not seem to be able to build a road correctly, how could we ever handle a nuclear "nu-killer" plant?

Absurd+Funny = Double Disaster

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Z on Wednesday, April 06, 2011 - 09:09 am: Edit Post

Japan Willing to Help Jamaica Go Nuclear

Milk River Blogger, Lindsworth Deer's S-take On Nuclear Power for Jamaica:
[Imagine what an evacuation zone of 10-15-25 kilometers would look like around ANY location on this small Rock while the area would begin to become slowly "sanitized" from a toxic radioactive event.... when issues of Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) really does become a critical choice] clear-power-in.html

World Watch Institute: Brave Nuclear World

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Eric on Wednesday, April 06, 2011 - 08:38 pm: Edit Post

The original Observer article had more information in it. 597499

This quote is relevant to the possible implementation in Jamaica:
"It (nuclear power) is a viable option, but not in its present stage — not big nuclear plants, but the small modular plants. (Of course), prototypes for them are just being put into commission (so) we have to wait until there is more experience with them, in another 10 years or so," said renowned local physicist Professor Anthony Chen"

I think its safe to say that the technology appropriate for the island is not in ready now and will not be for quite some years. Whether that technology is ever put into place is yet another question.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Z on Thursday, April 07, 2011 - 02:04 pm: Edit Post

Thanks Eric for adding that perspective...Dr Raymond Wright, whom you probably know from your involvement with the wind turbine at Munro, was considering modular nuclear plants for Jamaica based on the PBMR (Pebble Bed Modular Reactor) design principles. South Africa, which has been one of the innovators in this field has experienced some cost issues and presumably some spent fuel safety concerns which has slowed their progress for a cost-efficient exportable model. It has been stated that although they agree that the fundamental design principles are thorough, they would probably follow an adapted model if they were to resume future research. Presumably, this methodology might be on their shelf for a while as China picks up on the technology.

Nuclear Future:
It's definitely true that pebble bed reactors are, at this stage of their development, less familiar to the power industry than more conventional designs. They're also more expensive to construct while having only about 1/30 the power density of other reactors. But China, at least, is optimistic about their potential, and already has one test PBR and is planning on building thirty more in the next ten years, and possibly hundreds more by 2050. Part of the reason that China likes PBRs (besides their safety) is that their high operating temperature can be used to efficiently crack steam into hydrogen, which can be piped off and used as an alternative fuel. (Ref: DVICE)

See Also YouTube LINKS to Nuclear Green: THORIUM (molten salt...can't be weaponized) as a replacement for URANIUM, as a "fission" material in nuclear reactors.
India, which has a plentiful supply of Thorium is leading the charge in experimental research...slowly advancing.

I agree that the Investment horizon, regarding any thought about the safest possible modular nuclear plant that might be considered appropriate for a developing country, is a good ways into the future.

Does it not seem wise to institute governmental incentives for Renewable Energy which could be accomplished in the short term? credits & rebates for solar PV/Hot water panels and small wind turbines, net metering & electrical transmission efficiency, promotion of conservation & feed-in tariffs. The savings would be in the reduction of high-priced, imported fossil fuels. Solar PV plants (like farms of PV collectors) and the more expensive larger-scaled Concentrated Solar techniques to drive turbines producing electricity should be subjected to to long term cost analyses (value engineering) and comparisons by the Ministry of Energy, then honestly & openly presented to the public and technical experts for their inputs.
Deep into the future of the planet and mankind, long after this generation is gone, there will need to be a diversity-mix of energy fuels for a world population that is expected to increase to between 7.5 to 10.5 billion persons in the year 2050.
As earth's materials dwindle, and to save some for our progeny & inheritors, should we not be far-sighted enough to get serious about proportioning out the right mix for what is renewable and what is finite?

VIDEO: Jamaica's Nuclear Future ???: PBMR

South Africa Mothballs Pebble Bed Reactor

PBMR Nuclear Reactors & Meltdowns: A Discussion:

Comment on the DVICE Forum:...An unverified statement--
UNFORTUNATELY - an earthquake will shake the pebbles can compress the core and heat will spike like crazy!!! We know this because a pebble bed reactor mockup was put onto a giant shaking machine and that is exactly what happened. (MattMusson)

Jamaica Ministry of Energy & Mining Web Site:

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By NO on Friday, April 08, 2011 - 06:42 am: Edit Post

The Jamaican infrastructure is not good--bad roads, poor electrical distribution system, poor telephone systems. Jamaica is in an earthquake zone. Jamaica is subject to hurricanes. Japan, who cannot manage its own nuclear power plants in a safe fashion, would like to extend its horrors to Jamaica? I think this is one offer that can be answered with a polite "no, thank you".

Just sayin' ....