Profile of the Month: October 2001
This profile was written by a student of Sandy Bank Primary School.

These two citizens of Treasure Beach are making their mark in the community through their ministry of singing. These two people are Joseph and Beverly Elliot. They are both born in the same parish of St. Elizabeth in the years 1949 and 1957 in the months of June and July. Joseph is a fisherman and Beverly works at La Casa Duna guest house.

This couple is one of the most loving, sharing, and kind hearted people. They will not turn away anyone who comes to their doorstep asking for help. They just cannot say no to anyone. I believe that their generosity comes from their strong belief in God. They are both Christians and attend the Billy's Bay Gospel Chapel. Mr. Elliot is one of the leaders in the church.

They are talented singers and both sing together all the time. Some of the songs they sing are written by Mr. Joseph himself. They have passed on their singing and playing guitar to their children. They have six children, 2 girls and 4 boys over the years. This couple has seen many changes in the Treasure Beach community. However they would like to see an improvement in health services being offered. They would love to see a health clinic built in the community. Their great aim also is to win more souls for Christ through their singing ministry.


Stephaney Buchanan
Wants to be...
a teacher

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