A Gem of Thought

Treasure Beach Forum: Inspirational Thoughts: A Gem of Thought
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Glasceta Honeyghan on Sunday, March 05, 2006 - 07:26 pm: Edit Post

"If we spend more time in an effort to enhance our own personal growth and self-improvement, we’ll spend less time disapproving of
~Adalcie Nembhard~

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Glasceta Honeyghan on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 08:42 am: Edit Post


LORD, help me this day to know and act on knowing the difference between curiosity and meddling.

You see, LORD, curiosity has helped us as humans to develop immeasurably, allowing us to discover ways to do a heart transplant, harness energy, and land on the moon.

On the other hand, LORD, meddling is a whole other story. It can land me in a whole lot of mess, literally. How I can become a meddler is suggested by the Greek term for “busybody”. It literally means an “overseer of what is another’s.” When I meddle and inject myself, uninvited, into the personal problems of others, telling them what to do or not to do, I am trying to be an “overseer” of their affairs. I now feel qualified to give unrequested advice, telling people—spouse, parents, adult children, workmates—how to run their personal affairs. I may push my own opinion on fashion, handling marriage and sex problems, disciplining children, entertainment, diet, and which candidate to vote for.

Further, when I meddle, I usually end up with an unusually high volume of information. And what am I going to do with it all this gathered facts that I find impossible to handle by myself? I am forced to gossip, exaggerate the truth and tell outright lies, becoming a marriage disturber, home wrecker, peace breaker, and a character assassinator.

So, LORD, help me today to be a little curious but let me not meddle, for I have enough trouble of my own.

~Adalcie Nembhard~
Compare 1 Timothy 5:13.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Glasceta Honeyghan on Tuesday, March 07, 2006 - 04:30 pm: Edit Post

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
~ Marcel Proust~

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Glasceta Honeyghan on Wednesday, March 08, 2006 - 10:23 am: Edit Post

"Do not complain that there are thorns on roses. Be thankful there are roses on thorns."
~Henry Ward Beecher_

Compare Jude 16

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Glasceta Honeyghan on Thursday, March 09, 2006 - 08:23 am: Edit Post

"If we want our children to possess the traits of character we most admire, we need to teach them what those traits are and why they deserve both admiration and allegiance. Children must learn to identify the forms and content of those traits."— William J. Bennett

Compare Proverbs 22:6

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Glasceta Honeyghan on Friday, March 10, 2006 - 04:46 pm: Edit Post

"When it is in your power to do good, do not hold back!"

- St. Polycarp

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By murnel on Saturday, March 11, 2006 - 05:06 pm: Edit Post

For all the men lost at sea over the years my thoughts and prayers are with the families today and always.My beloved cousin Maxie Parchment is one amongst the many and I know he is sadly missed by his family and friends but, especially his mother my beloved Aunt Girlie.There is nothing like a mother's love.