Great Pond Solution

Treasure Beach Forum: TB Runnin's: Great Pond Solution
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Blair on Monday, November 28, 2005 - 09:19 pm: Edit Post

It would seem that finally there is some kind of proposal on the table to end the current flooding situation in Treasure Beach, and I refer to the to proposed canal system, which i must say has been around from the Sixties when i was a child
growing up there, however back then, it was to let water and fish into the great pond, from the sea for recreational activities, I find it quite ironic that the same plan is now being considered to let water out, Hopefully this will be implemented, to represent a permanent solution
to the problems being experienced by the community at large. Hovever No plan should be implemented without checks and balances, to prevent total distruction of the rich ecological system, that flourishes there, for to totaly drain the ponds, would be a catastrophe, there are those of us that still remember the dust storms when the great pond dried up decades ago, rendering whole areas unhabitable, please
all I am saying is, relieve the suffering of the people, but preserve the ponds, we do not want Beach turned into the Gobi desert. so build Canals
but with Locks to control the water level,
and for those of you who are wondering, I have
personaly Swam in every one of them numerous times, although that is not recommended for the faint of heart!
God Bless!!