Can-Jam Actor: "Best Emerging Artist"

Treasure Beach Forum: TB Runnin's: Can-Jam Actor: "Best Emerging Artist"
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Z on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 - 12:50 pm: Edit Post

An actor, with South Coast roots (his madda from Sav) has just been praised for a play inspired by his Jamaican cousins, and is said to be"a love letter to his Jamaican roots."

Sebastien Hein is a young Jamaican actor who got his first break several years ago as a child star playing 'Simba' in the Toronto production of the musical The Lion King, one of the most successful theatrical productions of all time.

Heins, now 23, is currently in New York City and, on Wednesday night, he wowed a large audience on Broadway with a sizzling one-man show called Brotherhood: The Hip Hopera, written and performed by him and directed by Adam Lazarus.

Heins' performance forms part of New York City's third annual United Solo Festival, a six-week multicultural theatrical event that presents one-person performances in the heart of the city's theatre district.

This festival describes itself as the largest of its kind in the world.

To top things off, Heins then went on to win an award for Best Emerging Artiste at the festival on Sunday night.


Video: Youtube