TB BEACH EROSION: Climate Change::Rising Sea Levels?

Treasure Beach Forum: TB Runnin's: TB BEACH EROSION: Climate Change::Rising Sea Levels?
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Zed on Friday, July 06, 2012 - 09:46 pm: Edit Post

Maritime Nuh-Warning: Not casting a wide net here or laying down spooky whisperings of man-made effects of climate change.

Didn't you hear a biblically inspired "true believer" say that no population size of humans can destroy God's creation, and by the way, we were given a license to live (pollute) our lives freely in dominion over our less-ors, according to a few commandments, which modern sensibilities might choose to "stretch" to include stewardship of said creation.

We have seen cyclical changes in beach erosion all along our bays, over many lifetimes, especially after catastrophic storms.
Did hurricane Ivan not bring tears to our eyes with its forceful surges and high water markers? Remember the duration it took for many beaches to come back...how time & tide waits for know-man.
If you were attempting to walk on a "dry"patch of beach, recently near Jack Sprat, you might have been practically forced into the fencing of the Folichon villa...Notice how high sea levels seem to be "normalized" higher up on the beach at Billy's Bay.
Are sage long-time observers still so confident, that after the usual recovery periods for the beaches, that they will come back?
What kinds of regional data is being collected to guide long term planning for the inter-play of sun and sea, and now perhaps paying some more vital attention to the environmental values and solitude awareness evident up there in the hills and the cockpits.

Extreme Weather: The Harbinger of Climate Change
According to scientists, climate change means not only that we will see higher temperatures but that there will be more extreme weather events like the one we just experienced. Welcome to the rest of our lives...I’m obliged to insert the disclaimer that no one event — no heat wave, no hurricane, no outbreak of tornadoes or freakish storms — can be definitively blamed on climate change. Any one data point can be an anomaly; any cluster of data points can be mere noise.

The problem for those who dismiss climate change as a figment of scientists’ imagination, or even as a crypto-socialist one-worldish plot to take away our God-given SUVs, is that the data are beginning to add up.

Scientists’ predictions about how quickly temperatures would rise — and how rapidly assorted phenomena, such as melting polar ice and rising sea levels, would proceed — have turned out, thus far, to be conservative.

... As repair crews struggle to get the lights back on (in the Washington DC area), it happens to be another sunny day.
Critics have blasted the Obama administration’s unfruitful investment in solar energy. But if government-funded research had managed to lower the price of solar panels to the point where it became economical to install them on residential roofs, all you global-warming skeptics would have air conditioning right now. I’m just sayin’.

Washington Post Link:
www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/eugene-robinson-feeling-the-heat/2012/07/02/gJQA NNZGJW_print.html

Climate Change: U.S. Heat Waves, Wildfires And Flooding Are 'What Global Warming Looks Like'
www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/03/climate-change-us-heat-wave-wildfire-flooding_ n_1645616.html

Economic development, moreover, needs to take into consideration the integrity and rhythm of nature, because natural resources are limited. And all economic activity that uses natural resources should also include the costs of safeguarding the environment into the calculations of the overall costs of its activity.

Ten Commandments for the Environment: A Christian View of Man & Nature

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By z on Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 10:10 am: Edit Post

As the temperatures and sea levels rise, might we just tip back a bit and listen to a love song-ode to Nature, or merely to our impressionable Spirit Natures?

Thirst is not the answer, oceans come and go
I loved her seven seas worth...

I felt like an endless ocean, rolling through the fog
Full emotion drifting like a weather beaten log...

I've said I've been your raging river, precious African queen
I've shown you everything that I've ever seen...

Well I followed her far and wide with all of my will
Water on the move, you know it never stands still...

Then up some old sad river, where snow white lilies float
I came to her for mercy, but I hardly rocked the boat

She seemed surprised that I have caught her
But she said babe, you're just a wave, you're not the water

Just A Wave, Not The Water (Jimmie Dale Gilmore)

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Z on Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 07:46 am: Edit Post

Climate Change "Belief" (Religion or Science ?) Increases...According to Chief of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/06/climate-change-belief-global-warming_n_1653115 .html

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Z on Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 07:52 am: Edit Post

Low Lying Island Nations Might Be Completely Underwater by 2100...or at least uninhabitable due to the loss of fresh water and agricultural options.

A Realist Prophet, Former Maldives President, Calls For U.S. To Embrace Climate Change Reality: "You can't pick and choose on science....You will probably see many aberrations in climate patterns. You'll have to see that and you'll have to experience that for you to take this thing seriously...The science is sorted. And not to believe in it, I think is very foolhardy."

Huffington Post Link:
www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/06/mohamed-nasheed-maldives-climate-change-united -states_n_1652409.html?utm_hp_ref=green

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By oldtimer on Monday, July 09, 2012 - 12:53 am: Edit Post

every one is saying that the oceans are goin to rise three or four feet over 100 or so years,
so what are we worried about, we have plenty of time to move people out, but what they are not saying is that they are just guessing, they really dont know for sure if there is a tipping point, where once reached, global temperatures may accelerate out of control, a cascade thermal event so to speak, which would make us like venus in a matter of a few years with atmospheric temps of 800 degrees, unlikely!, perhaps but not impossible it happened on venus it could happen here, just ask the venusians, oops cant ask them, they are all dead !!

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Steve on Monday, July 09, 2012 - 11:29 am: Edit Post

Speaking from experience as a small boy growing up in in pedro,i have knowledge of the same eco system that exist there today.From greatbay to fortcharles.Here is some of them.From october to december,the north wind is blowing cold,its raining night and day,the lightning and thunder is so frightening i hid under the bed,the low lying lands flooded over,greatpond overflowed across the road,the wind is gale force,the sea so rough the waves breach the beach,and come into the roads,the inhabitants cant get out of their houses for days or even weeks.july and august was the best time for beachcombing,the beach were more accessable then.There were plenty to enjoy from spring onwards todpoles croaking in the ponds ,water lillys flowering,gwyneps ripening on the trees, mango, plums, tamarinds, cashew,seagrape,dildo coweach sweetsap,and when the we got fish,the roast turbot with lime and salt was ooh so tasty,"the best".
The most powerful and knowledgeable(leaders) of our times want to control anything,and everything,why cant somethings just be left alone for mankind to experience for themselves good bad or indifferent,as the case maybe.Everything in the eco system has its place,and that includes us,some humans think we are the apex,but we come second best to our(mother nature) she controls all things.We are just another worker ants carrying out tasks to keep the equilibrium.
As man gets enlightened lets say,through knowledge,he wants to share it with everyone. Scientists are given the freedom to explore on behalf of the human race,they inform us of their discoveries,as we try to make sense of the info given to us,it poses all sorts of questions,and that is where the problems begins. Everyone has an opinion and want to make a contribution, before you know it everyone wants to quickfix, whatever has gone wrong.MOTHER NATURE IS OUR DOCTOR JUST BE PATIENT. When I was little we used to call it bad weather ,but now it is called extreme weather. Believe it or not,man will try to structure everything,to suit his way of thinking,without understanding fully the implication.