
Treasure Beach Forum: TB Runnin's: Teachers
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Grateful on Friday, June 06, 2008 - 10:25 am: Edit Post

I just want to use this forum to congratulate the Sandy Bank Basic (beginning) and Primary schools for the good work despite the limited resources they have to work with. I have not heard of the GSAT results yet but have no doubt as in former years that the students have done well with the excellent tutoring and teaching they have received. More so now than before the teachers work is getting harder and harder - so they have to apply different strategies almost daily I believe. The parents should agree with me as they themselves have to be doing the same.
Let us remember to recognize the teachers and not pressure them to create miracles as they have to work with what they have. Good work - keep it up Teachers!! My main wish is for more and more parents to become more involved in the Schools by finding out what is required -sometimes some little things are needed. Parents esp who are specialized in carpentry etc. sometimes they only need a few nails here and there (an example) so try to help out. All parents should try to go to Parents Meetings and participate. Let's make a difference in our childrens lives by being more involved in all the sectors of their lives.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Show on Saturday, June 07, 2008 - 05:45 am: Edit Post

It amazes me how some parents in TB lack confidence in the Teachers at SBnk where they used to attend, and are sending their kids to other schools like Mtnside and Munro Prep - yet still when the results come out they are none the way better off as the kids disappoint their parents a lot of times by not passing for schools that they want their kids to go. My point is SBnk has outperformed many of these schools - the record passes speak for themselves. I believe the parents just want to live up with the Jones to say their kids are going to so and so school outside of TB. Nonsense to me. It is for the kids to put their heads to their lessons right here at SB and they can do well.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By concerned on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 12:21 am: Edit Post

'Show' is correct with the namesake issues that parents have with schools. And it would be nice for parents to give their children more support first and then perhaps the schools would follow. Howe many parents do you know that help there children with there homework. These are the issues that need to be addressed.
However I would like to commend Sandy bank on there pass rate for the GSAT results.

Wouldn't it be great if like what is happening in in other countries around the world, where the governement could make every school set a basic Literacy test for all grade 6 students. Then we would really see how well the schools are doing!